Third Main Remake of flips' Hideout
The previous update was on February 3rd in 2014. I hope I didn't scary you by updating my page … 😃
To read more about the history of this page, flips' Hideout, and it's redesigns, check out the About page.
Short story about this iteration: Having worked with quite a few different technologies, CMS, blog solutions and static page generators since 2014, I decided on using Blocs for this new version. I had used Blocs version 1 and 2 some years back, but back then I ended up going for Hugo instead. I released my company web page in Hugo. Blocs 3 I didn't use much, but when Blocs 4 came, I upgraded, and either then or a bit later I upgraded to the Plus version, which made it possible to create Wordpress themes using Blocs. It's pretty cool, but I was also looking for another solution, so I had my eyes on VoltCMS, and after a while a bought it. And before I was able to release my new design, Blocs 5 came out.
So now this site is designed in Blocs 5, and content is added using VoltCMS.
Hereby recommended! 🤓